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Paul Carver

Councillor - OB South East Ward

Committee membership:

Personnel, Planning & Environment, Events & Tourism

I am originally from Norwich but have lived in Lowestoft for the past 30 years, I am married with 3 children and 5 grandchildren, who all live in Lowestoft. 

I have recently taken early retirement after 35 years at Royal Mail and now that I have some spare time on my hands I was looking for something worthwhile. As the opportunity came along to join Oulton Broad Parish Council I decided that it would be good to to do something for the area that I live.

I am also Chairman of 2nd Carlton Colville Scout Group; a position I have held for 15 years.

Phone number

East Suffolk Council is responsible for refuse collection in Oulton Broad

Suffolk County Council is responsible for road repairs in Oulton Broad

Suffolk County Council is responsible for some street lights in Oulton Broad

East Suffolk Council is responsible for planning in Oulton Broad

The Broads Authority is responsible for looking after the local broads

Welcome to the Oulton Broad Parish Council Website. We welcome your feedback.

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Contact Us

Michaela McGoun (Parish Clerk)


01502 580942  (Monday to Thursday 11am - 4pm)


The Council Office

Broad House

Nicholas Everitt Park
Oulton Broad
NR33 9JR

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