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Suffolk County Council has in place ‘HOME, BUT NOT ALONE’. A service launched to help connect people who need help during this pandemic.
The service will mean willing volunteers, charities, town and parish councils, community and religious groups can all log their details and offers of support on a mobile app. The ‘Tribe Volunteer’ can be downloaded from the Apple app store and Google Play store.
This support could include delivering groceries, medication or essential household goods, in line with Government Social Distancing Guidelines.
Home, But Not Alone, was created by partners from Suffolk’s Councils, Police, Health Bodies, Charitable Organisations, which come together as the Collaborative Communities Board, Chrissie Geeson, the broad chair, said:
“In these challenging times, it has been incredibly heartening to have so many people volunteer to help others. In villages and towns across Suffolk, people have taken it upon themselves to mobilise a small army of volunteers to do what they can for people in need.”
“The support service will encompass this work but will bring structure and routine to these offers of help. This just the start of this new service, so we expect the number of offers and requests to grow. People who want help, or need help, should let us know and we will do the rest.”
“It is testament to the hard work of all Suffolk organisations and sectors that we are able to offer this invaluable help.”
The telephone line is not a general information line for COVID-19 queries, but those in need can seek information on support with care needs, loneliness and to connect with community support. This is a new service and will adapted to demand over the coming weeks. People are still being urged to check for the latest guidance on a wide range of issues and changes caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.
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