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Nicholas Everitt Park Trust

Oulton Broad Parish Council are sole trustees to Nicholas Everitt Park Trust.  Trust meetings and Finance meetings are held monthly and are closed to the public.  Apart from the Annual General Meeting which is open to the public.

Full Trust & Finance Dates

9 January 2023

13 February 2023

13 March 2023

24 April 2023

29 May 2023

12 June 2023

10 July 2023

11 September 2023

9 October 2023

13 November 2023

11 December 2023

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Minutes of meetings from 2019 onwards can be viewed or downloaded here in PDF format. Copies of older documents are available on request from the clerk.

Events & Tourism Committee

The following Trustees sit on this committee:

The Full Council are the sole trustees

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